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01.23.2006 02:13
its really outstanding how once unfamiliar people eventually get bonded by an invinsible chord, that regardless of the distance between them, their nationality, race, colour, educational background, and whatever, nothing really seems important when the bond has taken its grip.
its the bond of friendship, surpassing every norm and existing structure of dividing.
its good to know that when such thought comes to my mind there's someone i can share it with, and that someone will read it and appreciate the very conception. that person can be more than life itself to me, but obviously that person must be a friend to comprehend this. that person is YOU!
we're bound by friendship's sweet chord, believe me there's nothing like it.
you know it too, thats why i want you to be my very good friend. Isnt that right?.....please hala back at me.
here is my mail addy:-
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